domingo, 28 de septiembre de 2014



Palmer writes that we are trained to “think the world apart,” dissecting it into either-ors, but we need to learn to “think the world together,” embracing opposites and appreciating paradoxes.
The principle of paradox can guide us in thinking about classroom dynamics—and in designing a teaching and learning space that can hold the community of truth.

In what ways have you experienced “suffering” as a student teacher? Has your suffering had any redemptive quality to it; that is, has it made you heart larger? What would help you deepen the redemptive quality of the suffering your experience in your work?

Well as a student teacher I have been suffering difficulties such as difficulty with my ability to concentrate when I’m studying, or when I’m teaching because every night I go to bed late, and it’s difficult for me to sleep well, when I’m lying on bed I spend the time trying to find out the appropriate way to teach, or to improve my weaknesses; also, sometimes I don’t feel appetite because I feel worried about things that I have to do, when I fail in something, for example in a test, or I get bad grade; also in my teaching practice I  experiment feelings of  powerlessness, But living in this way have helped me a lot, because I have improved in many areas in my life, as a student, teacher, and even as a person, so it could be difficult now, but   I’m getting accustomed to living in this way, and I don’t want to change it because I want to be success in life.

Name some of your key gifts or strengths as a teacher. Now name a struggle or difficulty you commonly have in teaching.  How do you understand the relation between your profile of giftedness and the kind of trouble you typically get into in the classroom?

Well, my greatest strength as a teacher is being able to connect with the children, and getting on their level, this allowing me the opportunity to work with them in a comfortable environment. On the other hand one of my difficulties when I’m teaching is to building, and maintaining the warm, sometimes I feel frustrated when my students lost their attention on my class and they looked bored. I figured out that I have to work on it, in order to maintain a good managing in my class and building and maintaining a warm, I know that I need to balance my strengths and my weaknesses in order to be successful in teaching.

Describe a moment in teaching when things went so well you knew you were “born to teach” and compare it to a moment in which things went so poorly you wished you had never been born! Name the gifts that made this good moment possible—not the techniques you used or the moves you made, but your qualities.

Well I noticed that I born to teach when I have to teach for the first time, and I remember exactly how confortable and happy I felt managing the class; the students were so concentrated on what I was saying. That was like, I had been teaching for a long time. I remember one day that I felt sick I just wanted to rest for a while and pick up some medicine, but my tutor didn’t come to the school, so I had to teach all the afternoon. I felt frustrated  because the students were misbehaving almost all the afternoon, and didn’t know what I could do in  order they behave well, I felt like my head wanted to explode, that day I really wanted not be a teacher, I tough that I was wrong when I choose the major. In other to solve the problem I went to the bathroom, and I tried to control myself. Then I came back to the classroom, and with much patiently I put order in the classroom, and I started to teach them. I have a lot patience with my students, I try to build confidence in the relation teacher-student, I respect them, and their opinions, and I try to do my best when I’m teaching. That’s qualities really helped me in a big way during my teaching practices.

Palmer discusses six paradoxes of pedagogical design (pp.73-83). Choose one to focus on.  Share examples of teaching environments you have experienced where this paradox is honored.  Have you ever been in a classroom where only half of the paradox was honored while the other half was ignored? Describe what that classroom was like.

Well, I’m focus on paradox 1: the space should be bounded and open

In my point of view I have experienced this paradox many times, for example when I’m teaching, and the students are free to speak but their speaking is always guided for me or toward the topic and they achieve the learning process in that way, but also there are boundaries in the classroom in order to avoid the chaos.  Well, the space must be open as well as bounded, if the space is just open the classroom will be a total chaos; on the other hand if the space is bounded the students will feel frustrated; therefore, they won’t achieve the learning.


What questions are you living at this stage of your life—from “How can I get up in the morning? To “How can I become a good teacher? Are the questions you are now living the ones you want to live? If not, what questions would you like to be living? How might you hold these questions at the center of your attention?

Well at this stage of my life I’m living the question how can I become a good teacher, how can I improve my skills in order to become a good teacher and leave in my students my legacy, I think how can I prepare good citizens, every day after a lesson I ask myself what was bad, what was good, and how can I improve, I try to reflect on my way of teaching. I don’t want to change my way of thinking, in the future because I don’t want to lose my feeling, I don’t to become a traditional teacher, now a days the majority of teachers just work for the money not for how good, or happy they feel helping the others. They forget what was their inspiration, or what was made them to choose this hardly but enjoyable major.